Cooking Ranges


Our impressive cooking range collection adds shine, class, and style to your modular kitchen. The excellent performance shown by the cooking range is due to its components such as induction hob, highly efficient induction burner, gas hob, gas oven, and kitchen stove, among others. The cooking range allows easy cleaning and cooking activities to create mouth-watering meals in no time.  


Modern hobs come with many features to make cooking easy, quick, and efficient.The built-in design of hobs makes them easy to clean and load/unload cooking vessels. The auto-ignition feature of modern hobs lights the burners automatically.


Designed for effortless cooking, the induction range has many features. These include faster cooking, easy cleaning, safe to use as there is no flame and lastly consume very little energy. It mainly has the advantage of heating quickly.

Cooking Range

The combination of Oven at the bottom and Hob at the top is also known as the Cooking range with oven. Many times, it is preferable to buy a stove with an oven than buying them separately. This can make your cooking and baking, easy and flexible.

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